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"The White Rabbit"(Adrenochrome) The Elohim, Khazarian Mafia,Ukraine/Russia War for all Mankind...

The drug adrenochrome or (AC) is oxidized adrenaline derived from the adrenal glands of the deceased.Its use originates from a ritual sacrifice practiced by Elohim (space aliens) and prepared by their human slaves.These events occurred at least 6 thousand years ago near Yemen after the EL conquered and slaughtered large tribes of humans.The descendants of those human slaves are now known as the Khazarian Mafia [KM].Based out of Ukraine the [KM] has infiltrated every aspect of humanity through secret societies i.e. (Bavarian Illuminati & Masonic Orders).They're public face is the World Economic Forum or [WEF].The [KM] is comprised of 13 family bloodlines that are considered pure.This perceived "purity" is preserved via inbreeding,which also consolidates the family wealth generation after generation.(AC) harvesting and

pedophilia drive all of the human and child trafficking on the planet.The [KM] controls key and influencial individuals in politics,media,entertainment,or anywhere else through blackmail, bribery,and (AC).

Russias military action in the Ukraine is to remove the head of the snake and the [KM] base of operations.The train derailment in Ohio was a deliberate attack on American people by the [KM].Attacks will continue to an ultimate crescendo around July and culminate with something resembling the Cuban missile crisis.Nekita Khrushchev and Jack Kennedy averted a nuclear Armageddon 60 years ago.Vlademir Putin and Donald Trump will be forced to do the same this summer in my opinion.Biden is a pawn of the [KM] and likely a pedophile as well as a war criminal.The final showdown of good vs evil is happening on our watch ladies and gentlemen.Say your prayers🙏Stay Frosty 🥶 Stay Woo 💯🛸😎🇺🇸🐸

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